But we're ordering a banner from Korea (because it's much cheaper. Like an 8' by 2' banner is going to cost us about 50 dollars where as here in the US, i dont think we can get it for that cheap.)
Anyway, we didn't have time to ask one of the many talented kids at our youth group to design a banner, which will be displayed at retreats and revivals and other big functions.
The team nominated me (i have no idea why) to make one, so I played around with MS word (yes... MS word... ) to find something.
We settled, but it doesn't like that bad.
So this is the final product:

At first, i was like... aw man, what if someone think it says "Match STRTKE Ministry."
So I tried to play around with it (this looks awfully plain... but still)
Since the entire name has 3 T's, i thought i could make the cross into a big T.

As soon as I finished, I looked at it, and i couldn't stop laughing. The wife thought i was going crazy.
I just imagined this being displayed on such a big banner.
A part of me still wanted to push the second design...
Does anyone else see what's wrong/funny with the second design?
yeah...I see what's wrong with it...
what does it mean to be a match strike ministry?
Basically, we want to be set on fire for God, and a purpose of a match is to start a fire, and so we aim to be matches for others.
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