Sunday, March 18, 2007

The Holy Spirit

Tomorrow sermon is the "I believe in the Holy Spirit" part of our Apostle's Creed sermon series.
I was trying to think back on what i was taught about the Holy Spirit when i was in Sunday school. I realized that i couldn't think of many times we really discussed the Spirit. We talked a lot about God and Jesus.
And i think churches still do that. I think the Spirit becomes the lesser of the Trinity. Like a really big celebrity's brother. i.e. Casey Affleck. Charlie Murphy. Haley Duff. Tito Jackson. and so forth.

Why do we spend so much time on God and Jesus, but not so much on the Holy Spirit?

1 comment:

nure nezumi said...

i like how you managed to relate the holy spirit with casey affleck.. i didn't think it could be done. haha! yeah, but you're right, growing up catholic i never heard a lot about the holy spirit either, kinda like just an afterthought of the trinity. good to hear that you're gonna make that your focus this week, cool.