Wednesday, January 31, 2007

John Wesley

I've been trying to better myself in anyway possible to become a better and more effective preacher.
So recently, i started reading out loud Martin Luther King Jr.'s sermons from Strength to Love. I've been preaching it to myself, as if it was my own sermons.

Then this past week, in my bookshelf at the office, i saw a blue book that i completely forgot about: John Wesley's Sermons: An Anthology.

I remember not really paying attention in my Methodist History and Doctrine class in seminary. (I never was a good student, even in the graduate level). And i also remember just skimming through the sermons just enough to write papers on it.
So i figured, why not?
And it will do me good to "reread" this book and to (hopefully) remember somethings i learned in the Doctrine class.

So i opened up the book.
Instantly i realized why i didn't pay attention in class.

It's not that the sermons are boring, there are things in there that i can quote and use in my sermons to the youth. But, i don't know what it is.

I, however, thought that this "punishment" would help me in the long run (like when i have to write all those papers in the candidacy process).

Today, i tried using the book as a daily devotion.

Hopefully, i have the discipline to keep going.

it's for the best...

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