Sunday, May 20, 2007

Little Things

This is what I've been concentrating on, recently.
The little things, because little things go a long way.
I've been turned off by evangelists who proclaim that non-believers will go to hell. How can anyone accept the loving God, if they are going to hell by not following? Is it as a big turn off for you as me?

When people like that talk to me, I can't help but annoy them back. Yes, I know, it's the the very mature thing to do, but how can they expect me to be serious if they just told me I'm going to hell?

Anyway, the little things.
Like a warm and sincere hello to a new comer at a church.
A little note to your college students who are preparing for finals.
A visit at one of my church members workplace, just to say hello.
You know, things like that.
They go a long way.

I had a youth pastor, Doug Conrad. I don't remember any of the sermons he preached or ... nothing really that he taught.
But I do remember the little things he did, like look me in the eye when I spoke to him. His friendly hellos whenever I saw him.

Surely, I can't be wrong about this.

So what are the little things that pastors and Christians in general can do?

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